Invitations for growth can be challenging
Especially when they touch upon themes
that seem to stagnate you
But when there is a curiosity to investigate
approached with a fine-tuned sensitivity
supported by an inviting methodology
in a space of patience and acceptance:
A beautifully rich opportunity appears
You can automatically connect
with your built-in mechanism
to transform and surprise yourself
I, Wouter
have lived this process many times
It is part of me
Through touch, voice, and non-doing, I guide people to experience different states of consciousness, breath, spatial & body awareness, and self-expression. These are indirect methods that increase connection to the present moment: supporting the transformation to unfold by itself.
It is a state in which all of your personal qualities are fully playing their own melody, discovering your own symphony that you orchestrate to be your life. Feeling your qualities makes them play in tune, and when challenges make your qualities evolve, you transform your symphony accordingly.
Trusting and allowing each quality to play their right note, at their right time. Creating harmony with life inside and outside of you.
The result is that life starts to adapt to you, instead of the other way around. Your body, mind, and emotions become more at ease. Events that used to distract and frustrate, gradually lose their power over you. Clarity on what is important for you will be increased. It becomes easier to go for what you want from life, and to receive it as well.
My trust in these methods is based on my own journey and training, which is about expanding emotional intelligence and body awareness.
For over 250 days, I was in all kinds of transformational programs. For reference, thorough therapist training programs typically last around 60 days or more, divided over multiple modules and years. Additionally, I received over 350 personal sessions through many different methodologies.
For me it began in my childhood, when through violence I was forced to disconnect from my heart. I lost access to most of my personal qualities of dignity, uniqueness, intuition, vulnerability, sadness, anger, boundaries, acceptance, understanding, forgiveness, joy, patience, empathy, sexuality, trust, and self-love.
Being wounded in many ways, I came to believe that I was broken and ugly inside.
I experienced what is important in this process of rediscovery. Seeing myself again, I started to love myself again, and wishing more of anything for myself. And the more I reconnected, the more I could simply drop my patterns of self-limiting behavior. I transformed my sensitivity into my advantage.
Examples of other themes that I work with are: postural imbalance, spinal misalignment, breathing, perfectionism, withdrawing & overconnecting, fear & terror, shame & judgment, hate, chronic headache, asking for help, grinding teeth, nightmares, eating disorders, and chronic tension & pain.
I like to share my qualities of rediscovery with you. To support you, my trainings allow me to receive a diverse range of intuitive hits. Some of the feedback I have received, is never having felt seen so deep before, and having achieved breakthroughs that were not achieved in many years and sessions of personal development.
During my work, I will do everything I can to make you feel safe, and that the explorations are within your window of tolerance. I am open to accommodate you in any way you need. From my side; most of my methods assume a lying position, some are done sitting or standing, but any variation is possible.
I would love to see you.
Highlighted Activities & Experience
◆ For 65 days during 3 years, I was trained through the methods of core energetics, at Lifeworks NY, and Netherlands Institute of Core Energetics. Additionally, I received over 90 private sessions. Some of the themes were inner child work, embodiment, anger, intimacy, attachment, bio energetics, and role-play based therapy.
◆ For 70 days during 1 year, I was trained in bodily posture, standing, sitting, lying, movement, grounding, manifestation within the body, and energetic healing, at Alexander Technique Centre Amsterdam.
◆ For over 100 sessions during 5 years, I received lessons in body awareness, emotional navigation, breath, trauma release, and de-armoring, taught by Markus Schnizer through the Grinberg method.
◆ For 42 days during 2 years, I was trained in tantra, native American Shamanism, dark eros, and bio energetics, mainly under the guidance of John Hawken in the Czech Republic.
◆ For 2 weeks consecutively, I engaged in waterfasting, withholding from eating and only drinking purified water. Apart from innumerable biological advantages, the mind becomes still, increasing awareness of thoughts, emotions, and behavior.
◆ For one month, I resided in the Osho commune in Pune, India. During my time there, I focused mainly on inner child work(primal deconditioning), family constellations, intimacy, and breathwork.
◆ For 16 days during 6 months, I was trained in circling, which is interpersonal meditation and intuitive trauma healing through non-doing, at Circling Europe.
◆ After attaining a technical BSc and my MSc in Business Administration, I moved to Amsterdam in the early 2010s. With two partners, we had a company and some employees. We created apps and websites for companies like NRC, Vodafone, Red Cross NL, and the Dutch Government, winning some awards as well.
◆ It is my dream to someday publish my journey and its insights, for which I am currently in my writing process. I share more about my inner world than people usually do, because I believe in a world with more transparency. Currently, these articles are available: