This is a poem I delivered at a sanctuary service in 2022 in front of around hundred people. At that time, I was in training at the Netherlands Institute of Core Energetics. The theme of the service was Transformation.

It was the first time I shared publicly about my inner world. It was beautiful for me.

I invite you on a journey

I invite you on a challenge

And just...

throughout out all of this

Just ...
stay you
stay us

stay here

Just ...


Searching the immense dark for your own spark
Can only be described while you embark
A deep pain, blindingly stark
A terrifying fear, paralyzing sharp

A lonely hate, losing you in dark

And every time you take this wheel
thinking you already knew the deal
searching even deeper to make you feel
finding love through life only as it gets real

it is after that, when you will heal

In feeling there is nowhere left to go
I promise you that you will know
Your pain is yours to heal, as you will grow
Your hate is yours to melt, as sun on snow

Your fear is yours to overcome, you will lay it low

Traveling along all this messiness
you will find your wisdom through unhappiness
your power to act from your godliness
your trust to receive from your goddessness

love to accept from your divine gracefulness

And in the end you will know, all throughout
That no thing whatsoever and how loud
can never define what you are about
can never make you hostage on your route

can never deny you without a doubt

Because when you find your hope in close vicinity
that one spark, transforming "you, limited by inability"
into "you, defining yourself into infinity"
commanding your true nature bursting through reality

Sharing to act, receive and accept in lovability

Sharing your journey
through the immense dark

and the immense light

A joy, so immensely joyful
compassion, with so much depth
understanding, so unparalleled

love, so divinely undefined
