The starting point for any transformation can only be where you currently are, to the fullest extent. So my first task is always to meet you, and welcome you to take time, space and patience for what is alive inside your world. This process is the first defining moment for

Showing yourself to someone new can be rich process in itself, and is the basis for

Any thing that matters to you, matters.

To create a rich opportunity for true personal transformation, it is necessary to select the methods that have the best fit. This fit depends on..

intake, degree of: safety, sensitivity, guidance, self-awareness

loosen up awareness,

stepping stones for transformation

navigating the transformation

impulses for expression, new insights, emotions, visualizations, sensations and realizations

here & then

window of tolerance

feeling and sense making

The goal is always twofold: the theme itself and increasing self-navigation.

Throughout your exploration, we continually discover and adapt to what style best fits your current wishes and capabilities. It can be a combination of the following:

-–> Guided meditative exploration. When help is requested to explore a theme, usually not only the theme itself is practically stuck, but also perception of the theme. As the perception of any reality defines what opportunities to grow are available, this need to get unstuck in order to allow progress.

With a personalized meditation, I can guide you for a moment, to drop all perspectives and focus points you currently have on your own reality. And I may offer you similar or alternative perspectives that stimulate flexibility and a fresh curiosity. Next, I will invite the full power of your consciousness, including your feelings, intuition, and the intelligence of your body.

This is like a loosening up massage for your perspective on your reality. In this way, new insights, emotions, visualizations, sensations and realizations can enter your awareness: These are potential stepping stones for your personal transformation. I will support you to approach them with courage and openness, and help you take appropriate actions to step into your personal transformation. If I perceive related opportunities, I can invite you for complementary exercises, out of my broad range of experience.

-–> Postural & bodily awareness. Every single time you engage in a limiting (habitual) response, your body automatically reacts(mirrors) with a contraction of muscles and fascia. The nature of the response will determine what part(s) of your body will contract.

If not properly discharged, residual tension will build up in your body, holding it in contraction. This greatly impacts your energy, both physical and regenerative abilities, posture, and likelihood of both internal and external injuries. On the subconscious level, residual tension constantly influences you to re-enact your responses, stimulating it to become habitual; literally holding on to something in the past.

Via a combination of coaching and specific physical touch, a proper discharge is invited: The body is encouraged to relax and to reclaim its natural spacing and posture. This process will automatically be mirrored in your psyche. For your psyche to reclaim its natural spacing and form, potential stepping stones for transformation will come to the surface of your awareness. Again, these can be any kind of insights, emotions, visualizations, sensations and realizations. I will support your navigation for stepping into your transformation.

-–> Embodiment

When you explore your theme on your own, a lot of times even the exploration of your habitual response, has become an habitual response

Throughout this, I will encourage you to stay connected to the present and your whole experience, so that integration can take place. Experiencing the process of discharge greatly increases the possibility of choice and awareness over the nature of your habitual responses.

Although I will be genuinely curious towards the different layers your story, we always take your experience as the starting point for any further examination. Through this, we discover together what style is fitting for your unique development. More importantly, this will increase your capabilities for exploration on your own.

Throughout our meeting, I will put out invitations for you to investigate your themes from a different perspective. You decide what is interesting and safe to explore, so we can do that in your way, and in your pace.

guided meditation




breath & postural awareness

through what is utmost rich for your process of personal transformation.

Irrespective of what theme(s) will be explored, it is key for any process that a connection is nourished towards your inner subtle guidance.

This can be accomplished by inviting a state of consciousness, in which any pre-existing believes, assumptions and frames are still allowed to exist, but are prevented from influencing what you choose to experience right now.
