When there is a curiosity to explore any chosen theme(s), it is key to nourish an increased awareness of your reality: Humans posses the extraordinary power of accepting and using circumstances that seem impossible. And by that, translating them into meaning and truth that automatically carries their own lives. This simply is, magic beyond words: We are all magical creatures, constantly casting magical spells through the lens of our own uniqueness.

When traveling the path of personal transformation, many benefits can be enjoyed. Your emotional and spiritual awareness will be increased; understanding better what actually happens in your life, and why. As a consequence, navigating life simply becomes easier. Furthermore, you become increasingly less dependent on outside circumstances: being less bothered by what would previously have bothered you. Because of that you increase clarity on what really matters to you: you can easier focus for what you truly want in life, and receive it.

Hidden parts of your reality are connected to hidden parts of your strength. So, by exploring hidden parts of your reality, you discover hidden parts of your strength. As there are endless possibilities for exploring, there are endless opportunities of growth through any dimension, shape or practical benefit.

Growing in understanding and experiencing this, creates profound joy and trust in life. Because, actually, we are life itself.

Practically speaking, innumerable benefits can appear in your life. Although highly dependent on the unique individual, these are random examples to paint a picture:

More synchronicities in your life, accepting yourself and others for who they are, stronger intuition, needing less sleep, seeing colors more bright, enjoying simple things easier, having free choice to use perfectionism as a tool instead it controlling you, successfully setting boundaries, having richer conversations, more intimate friendships and relationships, speaking out what is going on inside you, full breathing instead of just your chest or belly, a longer spine, healthier posture, looking more attractive, less injuries, stronger self-healing abilities, healing a neck and shoulder from stiffness, stop having nightmares every night, being able to stay in a relationship, having free choice to use perfectionism as a tool instead of it always controlling you, attract more emotionally mature romantic partners, no more clenching your jaws or grinding your teeth, eating healthier when you choose to, healing autism, a vibrant and healthier skin, better at taking care of yourself, increased self confidence, having fun dancing, fluent natural body movements, better bodily balance, effortless public speaking, animals feel more safe around you, feel what other people are feeling and thinking if you choose to, expressing your anger in a healthy way. Less fear; more trust.

As for myself, I am often amazed by what transformation I see in myself and others. Because of this, I simply stopped believing that there are things that cannot be transformed.

The endless sky is the limit, if you choose to learn how to fly.

Some time ago, I finished a training on personal transformation. I wrote a poem about it, and presented it to the community that supported my journey.

It still is very relevant today,\ and that is why I add it here:

I want to tell,
to myself,
and to you,

as my witnesses,

how beautiful I have become.
It is something that I thought,

was never even remotely possible.

I have found it,

and still am finding.

I am starstruck by my softness,
\ my intention of kindness to others,
\ needing nothing in return,

\ being able to shine from within.

When something like that happens,
\ and I realize it afterwards,

\ it can touch me to tears.

And sometimes it can frighten me as well,

\ as I think of how I used to be someone else.

More and more,
\ I can release myself from a very deep old belief,

\ that I am very ugly from the inside.

I can see how that was being fed,

\ and I can cut the cords.

I can see more and more,
\ how I have been hated,

and misused.

And how I started doing that to myself,

\ and to my environment.

I understand how I could see myself for only being that,
\ and how I hid myself,

\ very far away.

Very far away,

\ from my own dignity and power.

But being able to see that,
\ I also see,

\ more and more:

That within me lives a personification of softness,
\ which I cannot yet always show,
\ but it does,

\ always exist.

And that I can continue,
\ that I will,
no matter what,
\ always return to that softness,
\ creating a deep knowing,

a deep existence.

Who and how I am that,
\ and who that is inside me,
\ the more I think about that,

\ the more it becomes a grey area.

And when I try to claim that,

\ it slowly turns into black.

But when I let it exist inside me,
\ without name,
\ but with a deep trust,
\ it becomes shining white,

\ and then I become,\ that shining white.
